Open Source Software – Four Degrees of Freedom

By Monika Sharma, on February 16, 2020

Four Essential Freedoms in Open Source Software

Software is said to be free if the Software's User has some Basic Freedoms while using it:


This says that the user has the right to use the software as well as according to his/her needs.


This says that the user can study the working of the software and make changes to meet his/her requirements to have the desired results. Here to make changes to a program, having its source code is a precondition.


This says that the user has the right to redistribute the copies of the software to help out others that may require the same.


This is an extended version of Freedom 2 which says that the user can also provide others with copies of the software in which they’ve made modifications by doing this the developer allows the community an opportunity to benefit from his/her changes. Also, having its source code is a precondition here as well.

A program is free software on the off chance that it gives clients enough of these opportunities. Else, it is non-free. While we can recognize different non-free distribution schemes as far as how far they miss the mark regarding being free, we think of them as all similarly exploitative.

In some random situation, these freedoms must apply to whatever code we intend to utilize, or lead others to utilize. For example, consider a program A which consequently dispatches a program B to deal with certain cases. On the off chance that we intend to convey A the way things are, that suggests clients will require B, so we have to pass judgment on whether both An and B are free. In any case, if we intend to alter A with the goal that it doesn't utilize B, just A should be free; B isn't relevant to that plan.

"Free software" doesn't signify "non-commercial". A free program must be accessible for business use, business improvement, and business circulation. Business advancement of free software is never again irregular; such free business software is significant. You may have paid cash to get duplicates of free software, or you may have gotten duplicates at no charge. Be that as it may, paying little heed to how you got your duplicates, you generally have the freedom to duplicate and change the software, even to sell duplicates.

A free program must offer the four freedoms to any client that acquires a duplicate of the software, gave the client has agreed hitherto with the states of the free license covering the product. Putting a portion of the freedoms untouchable to certain clients, or necessitating that clients pay, in cash or in-kind, to practice them, is commensurate to not allowing the freedoms being referred to, and hence renders the program non-free.

Legal Considerations

All together for these freedoms to be genuine, they should be perpetual and irreversible as long as you don't do anything incorrectly; if the developer of the software can renounce the permit, or retroactively add confinements to its terms, without you doing anything incorrectly to give cause, the software isn't free.

A free license may not require consistency with the permit of a non-free program. Along these lines, for example, if a license expects you to consent to the licenses of "the considerable number of projects you use", on account of a client that runs non-free programs this would require consistency with the licenses of those non-free programs; that makes the license non-free.

It is satisfactory for a free license to indicate which locale's law applies, or where the prosecution must be done or both.

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