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System Admin Issues in Linux | Free and open-source software
By Monika Sharma, on February 17, 2020
Root Account
The "root" account is the most unrestrictive account on a Linux Operating system. This account enables you to complete all features of System admin, including accounts, changing client passwords, looking at log documents, installing programs, and so on.
When utilizing this account, it is necessary to be as safe as possible. The "root" account has no security limitations forced upon it. This implies it is anything but difficult to perform administrative obligations without a problem. However, the system expects you to realize what you are doing, and will do precisely what you demand - no inquiries posed. Along these lines it is simple, with a mistyped command, to clear out important system records.
At the point when you are marked in as or going in as "root", the shell prompt showcases '#' as the last character. This is to fill in as a notice to you of the total intensity of this account.
Creating New User Accounts
There are two ways to make a new user account. The first is to make the account itself, the second is to give a false name to their email address (At most of the organizations the convention followed is [email protected]).
To make the account, choose the username you will appoint to the user. The username is all things considered 8 characters in length, and any place
conceivable you ought to pick their last name, or last name and first alphabet if a user account same exists.
You will at that point be incited to enter other data: complete name of user, user group (The default value), a user id #(assigned by the system on its own), home registry (assigned by the system on its own), a user shell, some password values, lastly the ideal password ( being it an ideal one following 6-12 characters in length with a lowercase, an uppercase, special character, and a number).
Changing User Passwords
To change a password on the demand of a user, first log into the "root" account. At that point type, ''passwd user'' (where user is the username of the user you wish to change the password for). The system will provoke you to enter a password. Passwords don't resound to the screen when you enter them.
You can likewise change your very own password, by composing ''passwd'' (without indicating a username). You will be provoked to enter your old password for check, and afterward the password you wish to keep.
Disabling User Accounts
To disable a user account, alter, as root, the ''/etc./shadow'' record, and change the password (always stored in the encrypted form) with a ''*'' mark. All Unix passwords, paying little respect to length (up to a limit of 8 characters), are put away in the password record as encrypted strings of 13 characters. In this manner, by changing the password with a ''*'' character, it is nearly impossible for the user to log in.
Note: This technique will expect you to assign another password to the user in the event that you enable the account in future, since the encrypted password field has been changed. One answer for this which is to just prefix the ''*'' character before the encrypted password to disable the account, and basically removing the "*" to enable it again.
Removing User Accounts
If you are using a Red-Hat Linux Distribution the easiest way to remove or delete an unwanted user account is by using the "userdel" command (wherein the username to be deleted will be followed by the command). But it is recommended that you disable an account before deleting it so that if any need arises in the future from that particular account then it can be called back.