
Embedded Systems Tutorial

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Embedded Systems Practice


Modular Programming | 8086 Microprocessor

In this tutorial, we will learn about the concept of modular programming, what does it means and how it is implemented? Then we will discuss the ways by which we implement it in the 8086 microprocessors. B Monika Sharma Last updated : May 15, 2023

The programs that we work nowadays are often too large. As we can see the applications that we run today and the software that we use are able to perform multiple functions and hence they have large program codes. But, it is very difficult to build or design such a large code all at once. Also, it is very hard to maintain it afterward in cases of any errors or malfunctioning because the errors are too difficult to locate and correct. Also, it becomes difficult for multiple members to work on the same program. This increases the burden on one programmer of the entire project. To solve this issue, the concept of modular programming was proposed.

Often large Programs are split into various small independent tasks which can be easily designed and implemented. This is known as modular programming.

The concept of modular programming provides various advantages over the ancient method of programming. Some of them are listed as follows:

  • The program code becomes simple to understand.
  • Reduced development time and reduced burden on developers as the different person can work on each module now as a team.
  • Debugging process becomes easier.
  • In case of any error or crash, it is easy to locate and fix the error.
  • The code reusability can be implemented through the concept of modular programming. By doing so, we can avoid writing the same sequence of instructions again and again in the program. This same sequence can be written separately and can be used whenever needed.

The code reusability is a very important feature that modular programming offers us. In the 8086 microprocessor, we implement it using procedures and macros. The procedures and macros are the set of instructions which are written separately in a code. This can be called from anywhere in the mainstream of code.


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