Dual Booting in Linux | Free and open-source software

By Monika Sharma, on February 16, 2020

What is double booting (dual booting)?

Double booting is a method for utilizing at least two distinctive working operating systems (OS) on the same PC. Commonly each working operating system is introduced on a different "partition" on the primary hard drive.

Ordinarily, when a dual boot PC starts up, the client can choose which installed OS to begin, on the off chance that you have to change the OS you should reboot the PC and change to the ideal OS.

Why Dual Boot if Linux is enough to perform the majority of the works?

Even though Linux is an extraordinary OS with across the board hardware and software support, actually some of the time you need to utilize Windows, maybe because of key applications that won't run under Linux.

Another purpose behind multi-booting can be to explore or test another OS without exchanging totally.

Now a question arises,

Will dual-booting Linux slow down your system?

The answer is, No!

Not at all. Dual-booting will essentially make another partition for Linux that we won't find in the other OS.

The only delay that will be observed would be in boot time that too because you get 10 seconds to choose among Linux and other operating systems. When you have booted into both Linux or other OS, it will work equivalent as the only OS on the system. No effect on the ease of use of your system. Double boot won't hinder your system of files.

Things to keep in mind while making your system dual boot

  • Back up your information: You are going to make partitions on your disk. Regularly, it is anything but a major issue however if something goes wrong on the off chance that you worked on the wrong partition and so on, you may lose data. So, my recommendation is to back up your significant files, documents, music, etc. and so on to an external storage device or cloud, whichever suits you.
  • Have a boot repair disk: If your boot gets failed, you can attempt to fix it with boot repair disk. If you have an extra USB or CD, you can utilize that to make boot repair disk.
  • Have a live or recovery disk of other OS prepared: If your boot gets failed and in spite, all things considered, you finished with an unbootable OS, you can utilize your other OS disk to reinstall it once more.

I am not disheartening to you. I am approaching you to be set up for the direst outcome imaginable.

Also, you can create a Dual Boot for Macintosh Computers as Well.

Boot camp has come preinstalled on Macs since Mac OS 10.5 Leopard was launched in 2007. It chips away at most late model Macs and is the least difficult approach, to begin with, Dual Booting different Operating Systems. Boot camp is intended for use with Windows specifically, even though it is absurd to expect to utilize a Boot Camp segment for Linux isn't supported.

Disadvantages of Dual Boot

  1. All things considered, since you have more than one OS you will utilize some space to suit the extra ones, in this manner lessening your accessible space.
  2. You will require a Boot Loader to pick which OS to boot in. This will add a couple of moments to your boot time.
  3. Installing the double boot is less complex than uninstalling.
  4. Dual Boot can give difficult occasions if GRUB of Linux gets issues in updates or some cases if it turns out badly, at that point it will get unusable and will require another installation.

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