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Bare Machine and Resident Monitor in Operating System
In this tutorial, we will learn about the Bare Machine and Resident Monitor in Operating System.
By Monika Sharma Last updated : May 07, 2023
The Bare Machine and the Resident Monitor are those components which are not directly related to the Operating system, but they are important to be studied when talking about memory management. Now let us first understand each of them and understand their working.
What is Bare Machine?
Bare Machine is a logic hardware in the computer system which can execute the programs in the processor without using the Operating System. Till now we have studied that we cannot execute any process inside the processor without the Operating System. But, with the Bare Machine, it is possible.
In the early days, before the Operating systems were developed, the instructions were executed directly on the hardware without any interfering software. But the only drawback was that the Bare Machine accepts the program and instructions in Machine Language. Due to this, only the trained people who were qualified in the computer field and were able to understand and instruct the computer in Machine language were able to operate on a computer. Due to this reason, the Bare Machine was termed as inefficient and cumbersome after the development of different Operating Systems.
What is Resident Monitor?
The Resident Monitor is a code which runs on Bare Machine. Its acts like an operating system which controls everything inside a processor and performs all the functions. The Resident Monitor is thus also known as the Job Sequencer because like the Operating system, it also sequences the jobs and sends it to the processor for execution. After the jobs are scheduled, the Resident Monitor loads the Programs one by one into the main memory according to their sequence. The advantage of using a Resident Monitor over an Operating System is that there is no gap or lag between the program executions. So, the processing is faster in the Resident Monitors.
Parts of Resident Monitor
The Resident Monitors are divided into 3 parts:
1. Control Language Interpreter
The job of the Control Language Interpreter is to read and carry out the instructions line by line to the next level.
2. Loader
The Loader is the main part of the Resident Monitor. As the name suggests, it Loads all the required system and application programs into the main memory.
3. Device Driver
The Device Driver Takes care of all the Input-Output devices connected with the system. So, all the communication that takes place between the user and the system is handled by the Device Driver. It simply acts as an intermediate between the requests and the response, requests that are made by the user to the system, and they respond that the system produces to fulfill these requests.