
Scala Tutorial

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Scala User-defined Functions Programs

Scala programming language supports a functional programming approach. It provides a rich set of built-in functions and allows you to create user-defined functions also. In Scala programming language, functions can be created by using the def keyword.

This section contains solved Scala User-defined functions programs, practice these Scala User-defined functions programs to learn the concepts of functions, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Scala User-defined functions programs.

List of Scala User-defined Functions Programs

  1. Scala program to create a simple function
  2. Scala program to create a function with arguments
  3. Scala program to return a value from a function using the 'return' statement
  4. Scala program to return a value from the function without using the 'return' statement
  5. Scala program to create a function with default arguments
  6. Scala program to call a function with named parameters
  7. Scala program to create a function with the default value for non-trailing arguments
  8. Scala program to pass an array into user-defined function
  9. Scala program to create a currying function to add two numbers
  10. Scala program to create an anonymous function with => operator
  11. Scala program to create an anonymous function using '_' wildcard
  12. Scala program to create nested functions
  13. Scala program to demonstrate the partially applied function
  14. Scala program to demonstrate the partially applied function using currying approach
  15. Scala program to call a function using curly braces

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