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Abstract types vs Generics in Scala
By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 26, 2024
Scala Abstract Type
Abstract types have abstract members i.e. their members do not have the definition or the values. Traits and abstract classes are abstract type variables.
Here's an example demonstrating the use of abstract types in Scala to create flexible and type-safe containers:
abstract class Container {
type A // Abstract type member
def add(element: A): Unit // Method that uses the abstract type
def get(): A // Method to get an element of type A
// Concrete Implementation
class IntContainer extends Container {
type A = Int // Specify the concrete type
private var elements: List[A] = List() // Use the concrete type
def add(element: A): Unit = {
elements = element :: elements
def get(): A = elements.head // Return the first element
object AbstractTypeExample {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val intContainer = new IntContainer()
Scala Generics
Generic classes are those classes that have classes or other types as parameters.
This example demonstrates using generics in Scala to perform division operations on different data types:
object CalculatorApp {
// Main method
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Abstract class for generic types
abstract class Operation[T] {
// Defining method
def calculate(a: T, b: T): T
// Extending generic class with Int type parameter
class IntOperation extends Operation[Int] {
// A method returning Int
def calculate(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a / b
// Extending generic class with Double type parameter
class DoubleOperation extends Operation[Double] {
// A method returning Double
def calculate(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a / b
// Creating objects and assigning values to the methods called
val result1 = new IntOperation().calculate(40, 8)
val result2 = new DoubleOperation().calculate(45.0, 9.0)
// Display output
println("Result of IntOperation: " + result1)
println("Result of DoubleOperation: " + result2)
Difference Between Abstract Types and Generics
The differences between abstract types and generic classes in Scala are as follows:
Feature |
Abstract Types |
Generics |
Definition |
Implemented or extended in a Scala program |
Takes a class type as the parameter |
Method Definitions |
Methods do not have definitions |
Methods have definitions and work with other types |
Relation Type |
Uses a "has-a" relation |
Uses an "of" relation |
Example |
Baleno is a type of Car |
Array of maps (Array[Map[String, Int]] ) |
Combining Abstract Types and Generics
In Scala, an abstract class or a trait can be abstract type whereas a class that is abstract or simple can be generic if it accepts any type.
A class can be abstract as well as generic also, as both concepts can work together as well as individually. You can create a Scala class that generic and abstract as:
abstract class product[x] {
def product(a:x , b:x ): x
The method to this class has no definition which means it is abstract and the class uses data of type x which means it is a generic one.