
Scala String Programs

This section contains solved string programs in Scala programming language, list of string programs in Scala.

List of Scala String Programs

  1. Scala program to reverse a string
  2. How to determine if a string contains a regular expression in Scala?
  3. Scala program to split string
  4. Scala program to convert string to integer
  5. How to count the number of characters in a string in Scala?
  6. How to create a range of characters in Scala?
  7. How to left-trim and right-trim strings in Scala?
  8. How to get date, month and year as string or number in Scala?
  9. How to replace a regular expression pattern in a string in Scala?
  10. Extracting difference, intersection, and distinct characters between two strings in Scala
  11. How to convert a string to byte array in Scala?
  12. How to convert byte array to string in Scala?
  13. How to convert a string to date in Scala?
  14. How to convert hex string to int in Scala?
  15. How to convert Double to String in Scala?
  16. How to convert hex string to long in Scala?
  17. How to convert Int to Double in Scala?
  18. Scala program to compare strings using equal to (==) operator
  19. Scala program to compare strings using equals() method
  20. Scala program to compare strings using compareTo() method
  21. Scala program to compare strings using equalsIgnoreCase() method
  22. Scala program to concatenate strings using the plus (+) operator
  23. Scala program to concatenate strings using the concat() method
  24. Scala program to extract the substring from a string
  25. Scala program to find the length of the string
  26. Scala program to get characters from the string
  27. Scala program to check the string starts with a specified substring
  28. Scala program to check the string ends with specified substring
  29. Scala program to get bytes array from string using getBytes() method
  30. Scala program to copy the content of string into a character array
  31. Scala program to convert the string into a character array
  32. Scala program to convert an integer number into a string
  33. Scala program to convert a floating-point number into a string
  34. Scala program to get the hash code of the string
  35. Scala program to get the index of the first occurrence of the specified substring
  36. Scala program to get the index of the last occurrence of the specified substring
  37. Scala program to replace the character with another character in the string
  38. Scala program to demonstrate the replaceAll() method
  39. Scala program to demonstrate the replaceFirst() method
  40. Scala program to split the string based on the given separator
  41. Scala program to demonstrate the subSequence() method
  42. Scala program to convert the string into lowercase
  43. Scala program to convert the string into uppercase
  44. Scala program to trim a string
  45. Scala program to concatenate string using 's' method of string interpolation
  46. Scala program to concatenate formatted string using 'f' method of string interpolation
  47. Scala program to print raw string using the raw method of string interpolation
  48. Scala program to create a string using StringBuilder class
  49. Scala program to append a character to an immutable string using the '+=' operator
  50. Scala program to append a string to an immutable string using the '++=' operator
  51. Scala program to append a number to an immutable string using append() method
  52. Scala program to clear the content of StringBuilder string
  53. Scala program to delete a substring from StringBuilder string
  54. Scala program to insert a substring into StringBuilder string
  55. Scala program to replace a substring into StringBuilder string
  56. Scala program to get the length of StringBuilder string
  57. Scala program to get characters from StringBuilder string
  58. Scala program to check whether a string is empty or not
  59. Scala program to check nullable string
  60. Scala program to create a string using StringBuffer class
  61. Scala program to demonstrate the append() method with StringBuffer class
  62. Scala program to delete a substring from a string created using StringBuffer
  63. Scala program to insert a substring into string created using StringBuffer

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