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What do all Scala's symbolic operators mean?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 09, 2024
What are Symbolic Operators in Scala?
The symbolic operators in Scala are symbols that have a specific task that they perform when called in a Scala program. Scala library defines a lot of symbols that can be used while programming in Scala.
Here is a list of all valid Scala symbolic operators, you can go to our tutorial on Scala operators to get a deep knowledge of operators used in Scala programming language.
There are four types of symbols are used in Scala:
1) Keywords/ Reserved Symbols
There are symbols in Scala programming language that have a specific utilization and are reserved for that.
- Keywords: '<-' , '=>'
- Reserved symbols: '(' , ')' , '[' , ']', '{', '}', '.', '// /* */' , '#' , ':' , '<: >: <% ' , ' ' , ' '' "" ', ' ' ', '@' , ',', ';', '_*', '_'
2) Automatically Import Methods
The default imports are,
- import _root._java.lang._
- import _root._scala._
- import _root._scala._Predef._
- ArrowAssoc : ->
3) Common Methods
These are those symbols that are methods to some classes,
'++', '.++', '.::', '+:',
4) Syntactic Sugars / Compositions
These are those symbols that may hide a method,
'=', '(_+_)'