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Difference between Object and Class in Scala

By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 22, 2024

Class in programming is a user-defined blueprint. From this blueprint, the objects are instanced. A class has fields and methods (member function defining the actions).

Scala Class

A class is a user-defined blueprint with contains fields and methods that define the functionality of using its fields and methods.

Declaring a class

class myClass{
  // fields 
  // methods

Scala Object

In object-oriented programming, objects are used to the real-life entity. These are instances of a class that are made to use the class in a program.

Declaring an object

var object_name = new class_name(); 

In Scala, you will use classes and objects very often. Both these concepts are needed for the proper functioning of the Scala program. And all of them have some similarities and differences.

Differences between classes and objects

Here is a table showing the differences between classes and objects in Scala:

Aspect Class Object
Definition A blueprint or template for creating objects. An instance of a class or a singleton.
Contains Fields (variables) and methods. States (attributes), behaviors, and identities.
Instantiation Requires objects to be created for usage. Can exist on its own, without a class.
Inheritance Can be inherited by other classes. Cannot be inherited.
Abstraction Can be abstract. Cannot be abstract.
Extension Can extend a class and multiple traits. Can extend a class and traits (but is unique).
Usage Requires object creation or extension to use. Used directly, without instantiation.

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