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Scala - String Methods

By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 20, 2024

Character Access and Manipulation Methods

The following table lists the methods for accessing and manipulating characters in strings:

Method Description
charAt() Returns the character from the string at a given index.
length() Return the length of the given string. It returns an integer value which is the number of characters in the string.
toCharArray() Converts the given string to a character array (charArray).

Comparison Methods

The following table lists the methods for string comparison:

Method Description
compareTo() Compares two strings and return the integer value denoting their difference.
compareToIgnoreCase() Compare two strings in Scala by ignoring case differences.
contentEquals() Compares the contents of a string and a string buffer. It checks for the equality of both.
equals() Compares the given strings and return a Boolean value based on the comparison. The strings can be string or any other object.
equalsIgnoreCase() Compares string and object. The method ignores cases of characters of the string while making the comparison.
regionMatches() Checks if the given region (substring) is common between the two strings or not.

Substring and Subsequence Methods

The following table lists the methods for finding substring and subsequence:

Method Description
substring() Create a substring from the string from the startingIndex to endingIndex.
Subsequence() Create a sub-sequence from the string from the startingIndex to endingIndex.

Searching Methods

The following table lists the methods for searching in a string:

Method Description
lastIndexof() Returns the index of the last occurrence of the sub-string which is passed as parameter to the method in the calling string.
startsWith() Checks whether the calling string starts with the string inside the parameter.
endsWith() Checks whether the string ends with the given suffix substring passed as parameter to the method.
matches() Check whether the regular expression passed as parameter is present in the string or not.

String Replacement Methods

The following table lists the methods for string Replacement:

Method Description
replace() Replaces a character from the given string with a new character.
replaceFirst() Replace the first occurrence of the given substring with another given string.
replaceAll() Replaces all occurrences of the given substring with another string.

String Transformation Methods

The following table lists the methods for string transformation:

Method Description
toUpperCase() Converts the string's character to uppercase characters.
toLowerCase() Converts the string's character to lowercase characters.
trim() Removes extra space from the starting and ending of the string.

Utility Methods

The following table lists the other utility nethods:

Method Description
getBytes() Converts the given string into an array of bytes.
hashCode() Returns the hash code for the given string in Scala.
intern() Checks canonical presentation of the given string. It returns the standard representation of the given string.
split() Splits the given string into an array of strings using the separator passed as parameter.

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