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Python def Keyword

By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 07, 2024

Description and Usage

The def is a keyword (case-sensitive) in python, it is used to define a function, it is placed before the function name (that is provided by the user to create a user-defined function).


Syntax of def keyword:

def function_name:
  function definition statements

Sample Input/Output

# an empty function
def myFunc():

# printing its type
print("type of myFunc:", type(myFunc()))

type of myFunc: <class 'NoneType'>

Example 1

Define an empty function using pass statement and print its type/p>

# python code to demonstrate example of 
# def  keyword 

# an empty function
def myFunc():

# main code
# printing it's type 
print("type of myFunc:", type(myFunc()))


type of myFunc: <class 'NoneType'>

Example 2

Define a function to find sum of two numbers

# python code to demonstrate example of 
# def  keyword 

# function to add two numbers 
# function  definition

def addNumbers(x, y):
    return (x+y)

# main code 
a = 10
b = 20

# finding sum
result = addNumbers(a, b)

# print statement
print("sum of ", a, " and ", b, " is = ", result)


sum of  10  and  20  is =  30

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