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C++ program to print number and string entered by the user using class
Submitted by Shubh Pachori, on September 09, 2022
Problem statement
Print number and string entered by the user using the class and object approach in C++.
Enter String : string
Enter Number : 123
String you entered : string
Number you entered : 123
C++ code to print number and string entered by the user using the class and object approach
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// create a class
class InputNumStr {
// private data members
long number;
char str[30];
// public member functions
// getNumStr() function to insert
// string and number
void getNumStr() {
cout << "Enter String : ";
cin.getline(str, 30);
cout << "Enter Number : ";
cin >> number;
// putNumStr() function to show inserted
// number and string
void putNumStr() {
cout << "String you entered : " << str << endl;
cout << "Number you entered : " << number << endl;
int main() {
// create an object
InputNumStr I;
// calling getNumStr() function to
// insert number and string
// calling putNumStr() function to show
// inserted number and string
return 0;
RUN 1:
Enter String : Hello world!
Enter Number : 108
String you entered : Hello world!
Number you entered : 108
RUN 2:
Enter String : Welcome at includehelp.com
Enter Number : 1008
String you entered : Welcome at includehelp.com
Number you entered : 1008
In the above code, we have created a class InputNumStr, one long type and one char type array data members number and str[30] to store the number and string, and public member functions getNumStr() and putNumStr() to store the number and string and to print number and string entered by the user.
In the main() function, we are creating an object I of class InputNumStr, inputting the number and string by the user using the getNumStr() function, and finally calling the putNumStr() member function to print number and string entered by the user. The putNumStr() function contains the logic to print the number and string that is entered by the user.
C++ Class and Object Programs (Set 2) »