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C++ program to read and print employee information with department and pf information using hierarchical inheritance

Learn, how to read and print employee information with department and pf information using hierarchical inheritance in C++?
[Last updated : March 02, 2023]

Hierarchical inheritance example with reading and printing employee information

This program will demonstrate example to to read and print employee information with department and pf information using hierarchical inheritance.

Read and print employee information with department and pf information using hierarchical inheritance program in C++

C++ program to read and print employee information with department 
and pf information using hierarchical inheritance.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;

//Base Class - basicInfo
class basicInfo {
    char name[30];
    int empId;
    char gender;

    void getBasicInfo(void)
        cout << "Enter Name: ";
        cin.getline(name, 30);
        cout << "Enter Emp. Id: ";
        cin >> empId;
        cout << "Enter Gender: ";
        cin >> gender;

//Base Class - deptInfo
class deptInfo : private basicInfo {
    char deptName[30];
    char assignedWork[30];
    int time2complete;

    void getDeptInfo(void)
        getBasicInfo(); //to get basic info of an employee
        cout << "Enter Department Name: ";
        cin.getline(deptName, 30);
        cout << "Enter assigned work: ";
        cin.getline(assignedWork, 30);
        cout << "Enter time in hours to complete work: ";
        cin >> time2complete;
    void printDeptInfo(void)
        cout << "Employee's Information is: " << endl;
        cout << "Basic Information...:" << endl;
        cout << "Name: " << name << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Employee ID: " << empId << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Gender: " << gender << endl
             << endl; //accessing protected data

        cout << "Department Information...:" << endl;
        cout << "Department Name: " << deptName << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Assigned Work: " << assignedWork << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Time to complete work: " << time2complete << endl; //accessing protected data

//another Base Class : loadInfo
class loanInfo : private basicInfo {
    char loanDetails[30];
    int loanAmount;

    void getLoanInfo(void)
        getBasicInfo(); //to get basic info of an employee
        cout << "Enter Loan Details: ";
        cin.getline(loanDetails, 30);
        cout << "Enter loan amount: ";
        cin >> loanAmount;
    void printLoanInfo(void)
        cout << "Employee's Information is: " << endl;
        cout << "Basic Information...:" << endl;
        cout << "Name: " << name << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Employee ID: " << empId << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Gender: " << gender << endl
             << endl; //accessing protected data

        cout << "Loan Information...:" << endl;
        cout << "Loan Details: " << loanDetails << endl; //accessing protected data
        cout << "Loan Amount : " << loanAmount << endl; //accessing protected data

int main()
    //read and print department information
    deptInfo objD;


    cout << endl
         << endl;
    //read and print loan information
    loanInfo objL;


    return 0;


Enter Name: Mickey
Enter Emp. Id: 1121
Enter Gender: F
Enter Department Name: Testing
Enter assigned work: To test login form
Enter time in hours to complete work: 20
Employee's Information is: 
Basic Information...:
Name: Mickey
Employee ID: 1121
Gender: F

Department Information...:
Department Name: Testing
Assigned Work: To test login form
Time to complete work: 20

Enter Name: Mickey
Enter Emp. Id: 1121
Enter Gender: F
Enter Loan Details: HOME LOAN
Enter loan amount: 150000
Employee's Information is: 
Basic Information...:
Name: Mickey
Employee ID: 1121
Gender: F

Loan Information...:
Loan Details: HOME LOAN
Loan Amount : 150000

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