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C++ program to demonstrate example of friend function with class
Learn about the friend function in C++, how to implement friend function using C++ program?
[Last updated : March 01, 2023]
Friend Function in C++
Friend function is a special type of function, which declares inside the class. Friend function can access the private, protected and public data of the class.
A keyword friend is used before return type of the function declaration/prototype.
Friend Function Program in C++
// C++ program to demonstrate example of
// friend function with class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Number {
int a;
void getNum(int x);
//declaration of friend function
friend void printNum(Number NUM);
//class member function definitions
void Number::getNum(int x)
a = x;
//friend function definition,
//no need of class name with SRO (::)
void printNum(Number NUM)
cout << "Value of a (private data member of class Number): " << NUM.a;
int main()
Number nObj; //Object declaration
return 0;
Value of a (private data member of class Number): 1000