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C++ program to calculate the minutes between two time periods using class
Submitted by Shubh Pachori, on September 01, 2022
Problem statement
Given numbers, we have to calculate the minutes between two time periods using the class and object approach.
Enter Time Period (12:00AM-11:00PM):1:00PM-2:00PM
Minutes : 60
C++ code to calculate the minutes between two time periods using the class and object approach
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// create a class
class Time {
// private data member
string time_period;
// public member functions
// getTime() function for inputting the time period
void getTime() {
cout << "Enter Time Period (12:00AM-11:00PM): ";
cin >> time_period;
// getMinutes() function to calculate the minutes
int getMinutes() {
// initializing string, int and bool type variables
// to perform operations and manipulations
string num_1, num_2, hour_1, hour_2, min_1, min_2;
int index_1 = time_period.find('-'), index_2;
bool condition = false;
// for loop for time period manipulation
for (index_2 = 0; index_2 < time_period.length(); index_2++) {
// if condition to check if the index_2 is
// greater than or equal to the index_1
if (index_2 >= index_1) {
// condition will become false
condition = false;
// another for loop to calculate the time laps
for (index_2; index_2 < time_period.length(); index_2++) {
// if condition for gain the numerical values
if (time_period[index_2] == ':') {
condition = true;
// if condition to check AM and PM
if (time_period[index_2] == 'A' || time_period[index_2] == 'P') {
// push_back function appends the value in the vector
num_2.push_back(time_period[index_2 + 1]);
// condition for minutes
if (condition && isdigit(time_period[index_2])) {
// else if for hours
else if (isdigit(time_period[index_2])) {
// else condition to check if the index_2 is not
// greater than or equal to the index_1
else {
// if condition for gain the numerical values
if (time_period[index_2] == ':') {
condition = true;
// if condition to check AM and PM
if (time_period[index_2] == 'A' || time_period[index_2] == 'P') {
num_1.push_back(time_period[index_2 + 1]);
// condition for minutes
if (condition && isdigit(time_period[index_2])) {
// else if condition for hours
else if (isdigit(time_period[index_2])) {
// initializing int type variable hour with 0
int hour = 0;
// if hour_1, hour_2 and num_1, num_2 are equal and min_1 are greater than
// min_2 stoi function is used to convert string values to the integer
if (stoi(hour_1) == stoi(hour_2) && num_1 == num_2 &&
stoi(min_1) > stoi(min_2)) {
// calculating hours between that inputted time period
hour = 24 - (stoi(hour_1) - stoi(hour_2));
// else if hour_1 is greater than hour_2 and num_1, num_2 are equal and
// min_2 are greater than min_1
else if (stoi(hour_1) > stoi(hour_2) && num_1 == num_2 &&
stoi(min_1) < stoi(min_2)) {
// calculating hours between that inputted time period
hour = 24 - (stoi(hour_1) - stoi(hour_2));
// else if hour_1 is not 12 and hour_2 is 12 and num_1, num_2 are equal
else if (num_1 == num_2 || (hour_2 == "12" && hour_1 != "12")) {
// calculating hours between that inputted time period
hour = stoi(hour_2) - stoi(hour_1);
} else {
// calculating hours between that inputted time period
hour = (12 - stoi(hour_1)) + stoi(hour_2);
// initializing int type variable minutes to calculate minute
int minutes;
// if min_1 is not equal to 00
if (min_1 != "00") {
// calculating minutes between that inputted time period
minutes = (hour * 60 - stoi(min_1)) + stoi(min_2);
} else {
// calculating minutes between that inputted time period
minutes = (hour * 60 + stoi(min_1)) + stoi(min_2);
// returning calculated minutes
return minutes;
int main() {
// create an object
Time T;
// int type variable to store calculated minutes
int minute;
// calling getTime() function to insert the time periods
// calling getMinutes() function to calculate minutes in
// between the inputted time period
minute = T.getMinutes();
cout << "Minutes : " << minute;
return 0;
Enter Time Period (12:00AM-11:00PM): 11:59PM-11:58PM
Minutes : 1439
In the above code, we have created a class Time, one string type data member time_period to store the time period, and public member functions getTime() and getMinutes() to store time period and to calculate minutes in between the given time period.
In the main() function, we are creating an object T of class Time, reading time period by the user using getTime() function, and finally calling the getMinutes() member function to calculate minutes in the given time period. The getMinutes() function contains the logic to calculate minutes in the given time period and printing the result.
C++ Class and Object Programs (Set 2) »