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C++ program to find the product of all integers in a string using class
Submitted by Shubh Pachori, on September 01, 2022
Problem statement
Given a string, we have to find the product of all integers from it using the class and object approach.
Enter String: multiply 12 and 13
Product of all integers in String is 156
C++ code to find the product of all integers in a string using the class and object approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// create a class
class String {
// private data member
string str;
// getString() function to insert string
void getString() {
cout << "Enter String: ";
getline(cin, str);
// productString() function to multiply all numerical
// values present in the string
int productString() {
// initializing int type variables
// to perform operations
int index, number, product = 1;
// for loop to traverse the whole string
for (index = 0; str[index]; index++) {
// if condition to check if the character at
// index is a numerical or not
if (isdigit(str[index])) {
} else {
str[index] = ' ';
// stringstream allows us to read through
// the inserted string str
stringstream temp(str);
// while to add all numerical values in
// the inserted string
while (temp >> number) {
product = product * number;
// returning product
return product;
int main() {
// create an object
String S;
// int type variable to store the product
int product;
// getString() function to store the String
// productString() function to multiply all
// numerical values in the string
product = S.productString();
cout << "Product of all integers in String is " << product;
return 0;
RUN 1:
Enter String: Numbers are 10 and 8
Product of all integers in String is 80
RUN 2:
Enter String: hi 5 its 11
Product of all integers in String is 55
In the above code, we have created a class named String, a string type data member str to store the string, and public member functions getString() and productString() to store and to find out the product of all integers in the string.
In the main() function, we are creating an object S of class String, reading the string by the user using getString() function, and finally calling the productString() member function to find out the product of all integers in the string. The productString() function contains the logic to find out the product of all integers in the string and printing the result.
C++ Class and Object Programs (Set 2) »