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C++ program to demonstrate example of destructors

Learn about the destructors in C++, how to implement destructors in C++ program?
[Last updated : March 02, 2023]

In this program we will learn to create Destructors in c++ programming language.

Destructors Program in C++

// C++ program to demonstrate example of destructors

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

//Class Declaration
class Demo {
private: //Private Data member section
    int X, Y;

public: //Public Member function section
    //Default or no argument constructor.
        X = 0;
        Y = 0;

        cout << endl
             << "Constructor Called";
    //Destructor called when object is destroyed
        cout << endl
             << "Destructor Called" << endl;

    //To take user input from console
    void getValues()
        cout << endl
             << "Enter Value of X : ";
        cin >> X;
        cout << "Enter Value of Y : ";
        cin >> Y;
    //To print output on console
    void putValues()
        cout << endl
             << "Value of X : " << X;
        cout << endl
             << "Value of Y : " << Y << endl;

//main function : entry point of program
int main()
    Demo d1;


    cout << endl
         << "D1 Value Are : ";

    Demo d2;

    cout << endl
         << "D2 Value Are : ";

    //cout << endl ;

    return 0;


Constructor Called
Enter Value of X : 10
Enter Value of Y : 20

D1 Value Are : 
Value of X : 10
Value of Y : 20

Constructor Called
Enter Value of X : 30
Enter Value of Y : 40

D2 Value Are : 
Value of X : 30
Value of Y : 40

Destructor Called

Destructor Called

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