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C++ | Create an object of a class and access class attributes
Here, we are going to learn how to create an object of a class and access class attributes in C++ programming language?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on February 20, 2020 [Last updated : March 01, 2023]
Creating an object of a class and access class attributes
In the below program, we are creating a C++ program to create an object of a class and access class attributes.
C++ program to create an object of a class and access class attributes
/* C++ program to create an object of a class
and access class attributes */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// class definition
// "student" is a class
class Student {
public: // Access specifier
int rollNo; // Attribute (integer variable)
string stdName; // Attribute (string variable)
float perc; // Attribute (float variable)
int main()
// object creation
Student std;
// Accessing attributes and setting the values
std.rollNo = 101;
std.stdName = "Shivang Yadav";
std.perc = 98.20f;
// Printing the values
cout << "Student's Roll No.: " << std.rollNo << "\n";
cout << "Student's Name: " << std.stdName << "\n";
cout << "Student's Percentage: " << std.perc << "\n";
return 0;
Student's Roll No.: 101
Student's Name: Shivang Yadav
Student's Percentage: 98.2