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Find last index of a character in a string using C++ program
In this post, we are going to learn: how we can find the last index of a character in a string using C/C++ program using simple method?
[Last updated : February 26, 2023]
Finding the last index of a character in a string
Given a string, and we have to find last index of a character using C program.
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: o
Last index of 'o' is: 7
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: H
Last index of 'H' is: 0
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: z
'z' is not found in the string
- Read a string str and character ch whose last index to be found.
- Get the length of the string (length).
- Run loop from length-1 to 0.
- Check character with each character of the string, if it is found return the index (loop counter's value) (which will be the result).
- If character not found (after the loop), return -1.
- Call the function in the main program, if return value is -1 that means character not found in the string else store the index in the variable (index).
- Print the index.
C++ program to find the last index of a character in a string
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
//function to get lastt index of a character
int getLastIndex(char *s, char c)
int length;
int i; //loop counter
//get length
length = strlen(s);
//run loop from length-1 to 0
for(i=(length-1); i>=0; i--)
//compare character with each charater of string
return i; //character found return index
//if character not found return -1
return -1;
//main programs
int main()
char str[100]; //maximim 100 characters
char ch; //character to find
int index; //to store index
cout<<"Enter string: ";
//read with spaces too
cout<<"Enter character: ";
index = getLastIndex(str,ch);
//if index is not -1 then print its index
cout<<"Last index of \'"<<ch<<"\' is: "<<index<<endl;
cout<<"\'"<<ch<<"\' is not found in the string"<<endl;
return 0;
First run:
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: o
Last index of 'o' is: 7
Second run:
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: H
Last index of 'H' is: 0
Third run:
Enter string: Hello world!
Enter character: z
'z' is not found in the string