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Example of private member function in C++
C++ | Private member function Example: Here, we are going to learn about the private member function in C++ with Example.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on September 19, 2018 [Last updated : March 01, 2023]
Private Member Function
A function declared inside the class's private section is known as "private member function". A private member function is accessible through the only public member function. (Read more: data members and member functions in C++).
In this example, there is a class named "Student", which has following data members and member functions:
Data members
- rNo - to store roll number
- perc - to store percentage
Member functions
- inputOn() - to print a message "Input start..." before reading the roll number and percentage using public member function.
- inputOff() - to print a message "Input end..." after reading the roll number and percentage using public member function.
Member functions
- read() - to read roll number and percentage of the student
- print() - to print roll number and percentage of the student
Here, inputOn() and inputOff() are the private member functions which are calling inside public member function read().
C++ program to demonstrate the example of private member function
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Student {
int rNo;
float perc;
//private member functions
void inputOn(void)
cout << "Input start..." << endl;
void inputOff(void)
cout << "Input end..." << endl;
//public member functions
void read(void)
//calling first member function
//read rNo and perc
cout << "Enter roll number: ";
cin >> rNo;
cout << "Enter percentage: ";
cin >> perc;
//calling second member function
void print(void)
cout << endl;
cout << "Roll Number: " << rNo << endl;
cout << "Percentage: " << perc << "%" << endl;
//Main code
int main()
//declaring object of class student
Student std;
//reading and printing details of a student
return 0;
Input start...
Enter roll number: 101
Enter percentage: 84.02
Input end...
Roll Number: 101
Percentage: 84.02%
Error: When you try to call the private member function inside the main with the object name.
Example: Changing only main() part
//Main code
int main()
//declaring object of class student
Student std;
//trying to call private data member
std.inputOn(); //error - because it's a private member
//reading and printing details of a student
return 0;
main.cpp: In function 'int main()':
main.cpp:10:8: error: 'void Student::inputOn()' is private
void inputOn(void)
main.cpp:47:14: error: within this context