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C user-defined functions programs
C program to pass multiple type of arguments to a function
In this C program, we will learn how we can declare a function that will have different type of variables as arguments?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on March 22, 2018
Problem statement
Given different type of variables and we have to pass them to a function and process on them in C.
It's just a simple program, which is demonstrating an example of passing different type of variables/values to a function.
Function Declaration
Here is the function that we are using in the program,
void simpleFun(int rollno , char *name , float marks)
- void is the return type of the function
- simpleFun is the name of the function
- int rollno is an integer variable that will keep the copy of actual integer argument (first argument)
- char *name is the character pointer that will keep the copy of actual string argument (second argument)
- float marks is the float type of variable that will keep the copy of actual float argument (third argument)
Function Calling
Function calling statement,
simpleFun(Roll , name , marks);
Here, Roll, name and marks are different type of actual arguments.
Program to pass different type of variables/arguments to a function in C
* C program to a pass multiple arguments of different
* types to a function
#include <stdio.h>
// function to print the argumnets of different types
void simpleFun(int rollno , char *name , float marks)
printf("\nName is : %s",name);
printf("\nRoll No. is : %d",rollno);
// Here ".02f" denotes that we need only two places
// after the decimal
printf("\nMarks are : %f OR Marks are : %.02f",marks,marks);
// main function
int main()
int Roll = 100;
float marks = 50.5;
char name[20] = "Ram srivastav";
// Passing these values to Function
simpleFun(Roll , name , marks);
return 0;
Name is : Ram srivastav
Roll No. is : 100
Marks are : 50.500000 OR Marks are : 50.50
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