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VB.Net Programs
VB.Net Basic Programs
This section contains the solved VB.Net basic programs such as conditional statements, control statements, class & objects-based programs, etc. Practice these programs to learn the VB.Net programming, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net basic programs.
List of VB.Net Basic Programs
- Program to print Hello World in VB.NET
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the difference between Console.Write() and Console.WriteLine() methods
- VB.Net program to print backslash (\) character on the console screen
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the 'vbTab' constant
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the 'vbCrLf' constant
- VB.Net program to convert a double number into an integer number
- VB.Net program to convert different types of variables into the string
- VB.Net program to input and print an integer variable
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the bitwise operators
- VB.Net program to print the binary number of a decimal number
- VB.Net program to print the total bits required to store a given integer number
- VB.Net program to count the total number of high bits in a given integer number
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the left-shift operator (<<)
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the right-shift operator (>>)
- VB.Net program to perform BITWISE AND operation
- VB.Net program to perform BITWISE OR operation
- VB.Net program to perform BITWISE XOR operation
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the BITWISE NOT operator
- VB.Net program to perform the LOGICAL AND operation using the AndAlso operator
- VB.Net program to perform the LOGICAL OR operation using the OrElse operator
- VB.Net program to check the palindrome of the binary number using bitwise operators
- VB.Net program to check the given number is even or odd
- VB.Net program to check EVEN/ODD using bitwise operators
- VB.Net program to swap two numbers using a BITWISE XOR operator
- VB.Net program to check Nth bit of an integer number is SET or not
- VB.Net program to check the given number is EVEN or ODD using conditional operator
- VB.Net program to find the largest number between two numbers using a conditional operator
- VB.Net program to find the largest number among three numbers using conditional operator
- VB.Net program to check the given number is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE using conditional operator
- VB.Net program to check leap year
- VB.Net program to check the given year is leap year or not using conditional operator
- VB.Net program to calculate the area of the circle
- VB.Net program to calculate the perimeter of the circle
- VB.Net program to calculate the area of the rectangle
- VB.Net program to calculate the Highest Common Factor (HCF)
- VB.Net program to calculate the multiplication of two numbers using the '+' operator
- VB.Net program to round off the value of the floating-point number
- VB.Net program to get a large value using Math.Max() method
- VB.Net program to get the smallest value using Math.Min() method
- VB.Net program to produce the full product of two 32-bit integer numbers
- VB.Net program to truncate the value of the floating-point number
- VB.Net program to find the angle for specified sine value
- VB.Net program to find the angle for specified cosine value
- VB.Net program to find the angle for specified tangent value
- VB.Net program to find the sine value for the specified angle
- VB.Net program to find the cosine value for the specified angle
- VB.Net program to find the tangent value for the specified angle
- VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle
- VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle
- VB.Net program to find the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Math.DivRem() method
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Math.Exp() method
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of Math.IEEERemainder() method
- VB.Net program to find the logarithm value of a specified number
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Math.Log10() method
- VB.Net program to find the sign of a specified number using Math.Sign() method
- VB.Net program to find the division of a student based on a given percentage
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of 'select case'
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of 'select case' with a given range
- VB.Net program to use a comma ',' to use multiple options in 'select case'
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the nested 'select case'
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the duplicate case in the 'select case'
- VB.Net program to create a simple calculator using 'select case'
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to print the table of given number using GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to print the ASCII values of numbers from 1 to 5 using the GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to print the HEX values of numbers from 1 to 15 using the GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to print 1, 11, 31, 61, ..., 10 times using GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to read a name and print 5 times using GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to print the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the GoTo statement
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Mid() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Trim() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the LTrim() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the RTrim() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the InStr() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the UCase() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the LCase() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Chr() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Asc() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Hex() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Oct() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Fix() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CInt() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CSByte() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CShort() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CUShort() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CByte() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CSng() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CDbl() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CDec() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CLng() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CULng() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CStr() function
- VB.Net program to print date and time in 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' format using Format() function
- VB.Net program to print date and time in 'day, month dd, yyyy' format using Format() function
- VB.Net program to print date and time in different formats using Format() function
- VB.Net program to print given number in different formats using Format() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the CBool() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the Val() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the GetChar() function
- VB.Net program to reverse the given number using the While loop
- VB.Net program to check the given number is palindrome or not using the While loop
- VB.Net program to count the digits of a given number using the While loop
- VB.Net program to check the given number is Armstrong or not using the While loop
- VB.Net program to print the table of given number using Do Loop While
- VB.Net program to print 1, 11, 31, 61, ... using Do Loop While
- VB.Net program to read a name and print 5 times using the Do Loop While
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the boxing
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the un-boxing
- VB.Net program to create a constant using const keyword
- VB.Net program to print the name of Enum constants
- VB.Net program to print the default initialized values of Enum constants
- VB.Net program to print the explicitly initialized values of Enum constants
- VB.Net program to create a global variable
- VB.Net program to create a simple class and object
- VB.Net program to create multiple objects of the class
- VB.Net program to create an array of objects of the class
- VB.Net program to create an empty class
- VB.Net program to create a class to add two distances
- VB.Net program to create a Student class and read and print Student detail
- VB.Net program to create an object of class inside another class
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the private methods inside the class
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the const and read-only data members
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the default or no-argument constructor
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the parameterized constructor
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the constructor overloading
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the constructor chaining
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the copy constructor
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the destructor
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the method overloading based on the different number of arguments
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the method-overloading based on the different types of arguments
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the method overloading based on a different order of arguments
- VB.Net program to overload non-member functions
- VB.Net program to overload Main() function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the method overloading with type promotion
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the method overloading with type demotion
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the simple inheritance
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the simple inheritance with constructors
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the simple inheritance with destructors
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the multi-level inheritance
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the tree or hierarchical inheritance
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the inheritance with the protected member
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the hybrid inheritance
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the simple inheritance with student information
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the simple interface
- VB.Net program to implement an interface in the structure
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the multiple-inheritance using the interface
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the multiple-inheritance using interface and structure
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the nested interface
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the interface inheritance
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the MustInherit class
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the NotInheritable class
- VB.Net program to override a base class method into derived class
- VB.Net program to call base class and derived class overridable method using base class reference
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the MyBase keyword
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the MustOverride keyword
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the abstract class
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the shared methods
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the shared data member of the class
- VB.Net program to count the total created objects using a shared member
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'Me' object
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'MyClass' keyword
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'Friend' keyword
- VB.Net program to overload unary minus (-) operator
- VB.Net program to overload binary plus (+) operator
- VB.Net program to overload 'Mod' operator
- VB.Net program to overload binary multiplication (*) operator
- VB.Net program to overload arithmetic operators
- VB.Net program to overload less than (<) and greater than (>) operator
- VB.Net program to overload equal to (=) and not equal to (<>) operators
- VB.Net program to overload less than equal to (<=) and greater than equal to (>=) operators
- VB.Net program to overload the logical 'And' operator
- VB.Net program to overload the logical 'Or' operator
- VB.Net program to overload the logical 'Xor' operator
- VB.Net program to overload 'IsTrue' and 'IsFalse' operators
- VB.Net program to overload bitwise left shift (<<) operator
- VB.Net program to overload bitwise right shift (>>) operator
- VB.Net program to overload Not operator
- VB.Net program to overload exponential (^) operator
- VB.Net program to overload concatenates (&) operator
- VB.Net program to overload Like operator
- VB.Net program to implement ReadOnly property
- VB.Net program to implement WriteOnly property
- VB.Net program to demonstrate Set and Get properties with structure
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the indexer
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the default property
- VB.Net program to overload the property
- VB.Net program to demonstrate a simple delegate
- VB.Net program to demonstrate a simple delegate with non-member function
- VB.Net program to demonstrate a simple delegate with a method of a structure
- VB.Net program to call multiple methods using a single-cast delegate
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the multicast delegate
- VB.Net program to pass a method as a parameter using a delegate
- VB.Net program to check an object is initialized or not