VB.Net LINQ Query Programs

In VB.Net programming language, LINQ stands for Language-Integrated Query – it is useful when we work with all kinds of data and it provides simple and powerful query capabilities. It enables you to query data from various data sets such as a SQL Server database, XML, in-memory arrays and collections, etc.

This section contains the solved LINQ Query programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of LINQ query, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net LINQ Query programs.

List of VB.Net LINQ Query Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query with OrderBy
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Query to arrange array elements in descending order
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Average extension
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Sum() extension method
  6. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Take() extension method
  7. VB.Net program to demonstrate the chain of extension methods of the 'System.Linq' namespace
  8. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Any() extension method with Function() to check an array contains a negative number or not
  9. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ query with an extension method
  10. VB.Net program to demonstrate the FirstOrDefault() LINQ extension method
  11. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ElementAtOrDefault() LINQ extension method
  12. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Where clause in LINQ query
  13. VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'Where' clause with 'And' operator in LINQ query
  14. VB.Net program to demonstrate the multiple 'Where' clauses in LINQ query
  15. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Where() LINQ extension method
  16. VB.Net program to demonstrate the OfType operator in LINQ query
  17. VB.Net program to demonstrate the OfType() LINQ extension method
  18. VB.Net program to demonstrate the OrderBy() LINQ extension method
  19. VB.Net program to demonstrate the OrderByDescending() LINQ extension method
  20. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ThenBy() LINQ extension method
  21. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ThenByDescending() LINQ extension method
  22. VB.Net program to demonstrate the GroupBy clause in LINQ query
  23. VB.Net program to demonstrate the GroupBy() LINQ extension method
  24. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ToLookup() LINQ extension method
  25. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Join using LINQ query
  26. VB.Net program to select specified fields using LINQ query
  27. VB.Net program to select specified fields using Select() LINQ extension method
  28. VB.Net program to select specified fields using All() LINQ extension method
  29. VB.Net program to select specified fields using Any() LINQ extension method
  30. VB.Net program to demonstrate the custom aggregation using LINQ Aggregate() method
  31. VB.Net program to demonstrate the custom aggregation with seed value using LINQ Aggregate() method
  32. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Aggregate() method with result selector
  33. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Average() function using LINQ query syntax
  34. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Count() function using LINQ query syntax
  35. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Count() extension method
  36. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Max() extension method
  37. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LINQ Min() extension method
  38. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Min() function in LINQ query
  39. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Max() function in LINQ query
  40. VB.Net program to demonstrate the SequenceEqual() LINQ extension method
  41. VB.Net program to get the sequence of integer numbers within a specified range
  42. VB.Net program to generate the sequence that contains one repeated value
  43. VB.Net program to get distinct elements from the list using LINQ query
  44. VB.Net program to get distinct elements from the list using Distinct() LINQ extension method
  45. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Except() LINQ extension method
  46. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Intersect() LINQ extension method
  47. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Union() LINQ extension method
  48. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Skip() LINQ extension method
  49. VB.Net program to skip given number of records from a collection using LINQ query
  50. VB.Net program to demonstrate the 'skip while' operator in LINQ query syntax
  51. VB.Net program to demonstrate the SkipWhile() LINQ extension method
  52. VB.Net program to demonstrate the TakeWhile() LINQ extension method
  53. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Let keyword in LINQ query syntax

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