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VB.Net Programs
VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, Stream Programs
In VB.Net programming language. the StringReader class is used to implement a TextReader that reads from a string, the StringWriter class is used to implement a TextWriter for writing information to a string and the Stream class provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes.
This section contains the solved VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, and Stream classes programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of string-related & stream classes, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter & Stream classes programs.
List of VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, Stream Programs
- VB.Net program to demonstrate StringReader class
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the StringWriter class
- VB.Net program to read all lines from a file using StreamReader class
- VB.Net program to read the content of a file character by character
- VB.Net program to demonstrate the MemoryStream class
- VB.Net program to get the size of a specified folder including a sub-folder