VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, Stream Programs

In VB.Net programming language. the StringReader class is used to implement a TextReader that reads from a string, the StringWriter class is used to implement a TextWriter for writing information to a string and the Stream class provides a generic view of a sequence of bytes.

This section contains the solved VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, and Stream classes programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of string-related & stream classes, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter & Stream classes programs.

List of VB.Net StringReader, StringWriter, Stream Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate StringReader class
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the StringWriter class
  3. VB.Net program to read all lines from a file using StreamReader class
  4. VB.Net program to read the content of a file character by character
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the MemoryStream class
  6. VB.Net program to get the size of a specified folder including a sub-folder

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