VB.Net Array Programs

An array is used to store a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. It stores a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an array as a collection of variables of the same type. An array occupies the contiguous memory locations, where the lower address stores the first element and the highest address stores the last element.

This section contains the solved VB.Net array programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of arrays, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net array programs.

List of VB.Net Array Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the integer array
  2. VB.Net program to calculate the sum of all elements of an integer array
  3. VB.Net program to find the largest element from the array of integers
  4. VB.Net program to find the second largest element from the array of integers
  5. VB.Net program to find the smallest element from the array of integers
  6. VB.Net program to find the second smallest element from the array of integers
  7. VB.Net program to find the EVEN numbers from the array of integers
  8. VB.Net program to merge two integer arrays into a third array
  9. VB.Net program to reverse an integer array
  10. VB.Net program to find the prime numbers from the array of integers
  11. VB.Net program to search an item in array using linear search
  12. VB.Net program to search an item in array using binary search
  13. VB.Net program to search an item in array using interpolation search
  14. VB.Net program to sort an array in ascending order using bubble sort
  15. VB.Net program to sort an array in descending order using bubble sort
  16. VB.Net program to sort an array in ascending order using insertion sort
  17. VB.Net program to sort an array in descending order using insertion sort
  18. VB.Net program to sort an array in ascending order using selection sort
  19. VB.Net program to sort an array in descending order using selection sort
  20. VB.Net program to implement quicksort using recursion
  21. VB.Net program to implement quicksort without using recursion
  22. VB.Net program to sort an integer array using Radix sort
  23. VB.Net program to sort an integer array using Merge sort
  24. VB.Net program to cyclically permute the elements of an integer array
  25. VB.Net program to add two arrays
  26. VB.Net program to subtract one array from another array
  27. VB.Net program to swap adjacent elements of a one-dimensional array
  28. VB.Net program to find occurrences of items in a one-dimensional array
  29. VB.Net program to find the first repeated element in the one-dimensional array
  30. VB.Net program to delete a given element from the one-dimensional array
  31. VB.Net program to insert an item into a one-dimensional array
  32. VB.Net program to demonstrate the use of the dynamic array
  33. VB.Net program to read and print the matrix using a two-dimensional array
  34. VB.Net program to calculate the sum of MATRIX elements
  35. VB.Net program to calculate the sum of rows of MATRIX elements
  36. VB.Net program to calculate the sum of columns of MATRIX elements
  37. VB.Net program to print the transpose of Matrix
  38. VB.Net program to print the left diagonal of Matrix
  39. VB.Net program to print the right diagonal of Matrix
  40. VB.Net program to print the sum of right diagonal elements of Matrix
  41. VB.Net program to print the sum of left diagonal elements of Matrix
  42. VB.Net program to add two matrices
  43. VB.Net program to multiply two matrices
  44. VB.Net program to demonstrate the jagged array
  45. VB.Net program to demonstrate the 3D array
  46. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Clear() method of Array class
  47. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ConstrainedCopy() method of Array class
  48. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Copy() method of Array class
  49. VB.Net program to demonstrate the IndexOf() method of Array class
  50. VB.Net program to demonstrate the LastIndexOf() method of Array class
  51. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ReferenceEquals() method of Array class
  52. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Resize() method of Array class
  53. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Reverse() method of Array class
  54. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Sort() method of Array class

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