VB.Net Exception Handling Programs

An exception is an error that arises during the program execution. When an error occurs, the program gets crashed – to avoid such problems, we use exception handling. An exception handling provides a way to transfer control from one part of the program to another.

In the VB.Net programming language, exception handling is built upon these keywords - Try, Catch, Finally and Throw.

This section contains the solved VB.Net exception handling programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of exception handling, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net exception handling programs.

List of VB.Net Exception Handling Programs

  1. VB.Net program to demonstrate the IndexOutOfRangeException
  2. VB.Net program to demonstrate the DivideByZeroException
  3. VB.Net program to demonstrate the multiple catch blocks
  4. VB.Net program to demonstrate the StackOverflowException
  5. VB.Net program to demonstrate the NullReferenceException
  6. VB.Net program to demonstrate the finally block in exception handling
  7. VB.Net program to create our own exception class
  8. VB.Net program to override the Message property of DivideByZeroException class
  9. VB.Net program to demonstrate the FileNotFoundException Exception
  10. VB.Net program to demonstrate the example of ArgumentNullException
  11. VB.Net program to demonstrate the example of ArgumentException
  12. VB.Net program to demonstrate the DirectoryNotFoundException
  13. VB.Net program to demonstrate the FormatException
  14. VB.Net program to demonstrate the InvalidOperationException
  15. VB.Net program to demonstrate the NotImplementedException
  16. VB.Net program to demonstrate the NotSupportedException
  17. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ObjectDisposedException
  18. VB.Net program to demonstrate the OverflowException
  19. VB.Net program to demonstrate the IOException
  20. VB.Net program to demonstrate the TimeoutException

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