VB.Net program to print the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the GoTo statement

By Nidhi Last Updated : November 16, 2024

Printing the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the GoTo statement in VB.Net

Here, we will print the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the "GoTo" statement on the console screen.

Program/Source Code:

The source code to print the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the "GoTo" statement is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.

VB.Net code to print the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the GoTo statement

'VB.Net program to print the square of numbers 
'from 1 to 5 using "GoTo" statement.

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim count As Integer = 0

        count = count + 1

        If count <= 5 Then
            Console.WriteLine("Num:{0}, Square:{1}", count, count * count)
            GoTo MyLabel
        End If

    End Sub
End Module


Num:1, Square:1
Num:2, Square:4
Num:3, Square:9
Num:4, Square:16
Num:5, Square:25
Press any key to continue . . .


In the above program, we created a module Module1 that contains a Main() method. In the Main() method, we created a variable count with an initial value of 0. Then we created the label MyLabel, which is used to transfer program control using the "GoTo" statement. After we increase the value of variable count one by one, and then we printed the square of numbers from 1 to 5 using the "GoTo" statement on the console screen.

VB.Net Basic Programs »


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