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VB.Net program to create an object of class inside another class
By Nidhi Last Updated : October 13, 2024
Creating an object of class inside another class in VB.Net
Here, we will create a Marks class and then create the object of Marks class into a Student class.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to create an object of class inside another class is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
VB.Net code to create an object of class inside another class
'VB.Net program to create an object of class inside another class.
Class Marks
Private marks As Integer
Sub SetMarks(ByVal m As Integer)
marks = m
End Sub
Sub PrintMarks()
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "marks : " & marks)
End Sub
End Class
Class Student
Private roll_no As Integer
Private name As String
Private fees As Integer
Private address As String
Public mark As New Marks
Sub ReadInfo()
Console.Write("Enter roll number: ")
roll_no = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
Console.Write("Enter student name: ")
name = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter student fees: ")
fees = Integer.Parse(Console.ReadLine())
Console.Write("Enter student address: ")
address = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Enter student marks: ")
End Sub
Sub PrintInfo()
Console.WriteLine("Student Information")
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Roll Number: " & roll_no)
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Roll Name : " & name)
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "Fees : " & fees)
Console.WriteLine(vbTab & "address : " & address)
End Sub
End Class
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim S As New Student
End Sub
End Module
Enter roll number: 101
Enter student name: Amit Gupta
Enter student fees: 12456
Enter student address: Katni
Enter student marks: 455
Student Information
Roll Number: 101
Roll Name : Amit Gupta
Fees : 12456
address : Katni
marks : 455
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created a module Module1 that contains the Main() function. Here, we created a Marks class and then create the object of Marks class inside the Student class. The Student class also contains 4 data members roll_no, name, fees, address. In the Student class we created two methods ReadInfo() and PrintInfo().
The ReadInfo() method is used to read the student information from the user. The PrintInfo() method is used to print the student detail on the console screen.
The Marks class contains two Methods SetMarks() and PrintMarks(), to set and print marks values.
The Main() method is the entry point for the program, here we created the object of Student class then called ReadInfo() and PrintInfo() using the object to read and print student information.
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