VB.Net Date & Time Programs

VB.Net programming also provides powerful tools for date arithmetic that makes manipulating dates easy. To perform various operations related to date and time – we use Date and Time functions. The Date data type contains date values, time values, or date and time values. The default value of Date is 0:00:00 (midnight) on January 1, 0001. The equivalent .NET data type is System.DateTime.

This section contains the solved VB.Net Date & Time programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of date & time and it’s various operations, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the VB.Net Date & Time programs.

List of VB.Net Date & Time Programs

  1. VB.Net program to compare two dates
  2. VB.Net program to print yesterday's date
  3. VB.Net program to print tomorrow's date
  4. VB.Net program to print the difference of two times
  5. VB.Net program to print the difference of two dates in days
  6. VB.Net program to print the sum of two dates in days
  7. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Compare() method of DateTime class
  8. VB.Net program to demonstrate the DaysInMonth() method of DateTime class
  9. VB.Net program to demonstrate the Equals() method of DateTime class
  10. VB.Net program to demonstrate the ToBinary() method of DateTime class
  11. VB.Net program to demonstrate the FromBinary() method of DateTime class
  12. VB.Net program to demonstrate the IsLeapYear() method of DateTime class
  13. VB.Net program to demonstrate the MaxValue property of DateTime class
  14. VB.Net program to demonstrate the MinValue property of DateTime class

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