
Multiple-Choice Questions

Computer Science Quiz - Page 3

Online Computer Science Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) - Page 3

21) Which can be the input and output devices both?
  1. Scanner
  2. Touch screen monitor
  3. Speaker
  4. Digitizer

22) Which is not a valid type of printer?
  1. Dot matrix
  2. Daisy wheel
  3. OCR
  4. Inkjet

23) Impact and Non Impact are related to?
  1. Scanners
  2. Printers
  3. Keyboards
  4. Monitors

26) Which is the smallest memory measurement unit in given options?
  1. Byte
  2. Micro Byte
  3. Kilo Byte
  4. Nibble

27) One Nibble has?
  1. 2 Bits
  2. 4 Bits
  3. 8 Bits
  4. 16 Bits

28) In computer memory measurement units, PT stands for?
  1. Perabyte
  2. Pexabyte
  3. Petabyte
  4. None of these

29) One GB (Gega Byte) contains --- bytes?
  1. 1073741824
  2. 1048576
  3. 83886808
  4. 8192

30) 1024 Bytes equivalent to?
  1. 213
  2. 212
  3. 211
  4. 210

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