
Multiple-Choice Questions

MCQs on Business Studies Class 11 Chapter 1 - Nature and Purpose of Business

By Mohit Yadav Last updated : April 29, 2023

MCQs on Business Studies (CBSE) Class 11 (Chapter 1) Nature and Purpose of Business. Practice these multiple-choice questions and answers with explanations to learn, revise, and enhance your skills in Class 11 (Chapter 1) Nature and Purpose of Business. All these questions are prepared by experts based on the current NEP exam pattern.

List of Business Studies Class 11 Chapter 1 (Nature and Purpose of Business) MCQs

1. For which part of the business industries are concerned?

  1. Production of goods and materials
  2. For trade purposes
  3. For wholesale and retail use
  4. None of them

Answer: A) Production of goods and materials


Industries are concerned with the production and processing of goods and materials.

2. What is the major role of commerce in business?

  1. Manufacturing & construction
  2. Facilitating the exchange of goods & services
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of them

Answer: B) acilitating the exchange of goods & services


commerce control facilitating the exchange of goods & services.

3. Which kinds of industries come under extractive industries?

  1. Fishing, farming, mining
  2. Chemical industries
  3. Meat production
  4. None of them

Answer: A) Fishing, farming, mining


Extractive industries include fishing, farming, and mining.

4. What are the examples of genetics industries?

  1. Import & export
  2. Wholesale & retail
  3. Both A and B
  4. Poultry farm, fish hatching, and cattle breeding

Answer: D) Poultry farm, fish hatching, and cattle breeding


Poultry farms, fish hatching, and cattle breeding are examples of genetics industries.

5. What are the natural causes of business risk?

  1. Machine failure
  2. Riots
  3. Earthquake
  4. None of them

Answer: C) Earthquake


Earthquake is the natural causes of business risk.

6. Characteristics of human causes in business risk?

  1. Carelessness, strikes
  2. Thunderstorm
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of them

Answer: A) Carelessness, strikes


Carelessness and strikes are the Characteristics of human causes in business risk.

7. Which one is the sole proprietorship?

  1. Small-scale business or activity
  2. Factory owner
  3. Franchise owner
  4. All of the above

Answer: A) Small-scale business or activity


A sole proprietorship refers to a small business or individual.

8. What is the limitation of a sole proprietorship?

  1. Limited resources
  2. Limited financial help
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: A) Limited resources


A sole proprietorship is not free from limitation and there few reasons are limited resources and financial issues.

9. What are the characteristics of a joint Hindu family business?

  1. Owned and carried by a Hindu undivided family ( HUD )
  2. Sold by family
  3. Bought by a Hindu family member
  4. All of the above

Answer: A) Owned and carried by a Hindu undivided family ( HUD )


Owned and carried by a Hindu family business.

10. characteristics of karta?

  1. Controlled by the head of the family
  2. Every person has an equal ownership
  3. Known as co- parceners
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Karta is the oldest member of the family and controlled all the work. equally distribution of ownership and also known as co- parceners

11. Which person in the family is responsible to bear all the liabilities?

  1. The karta
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. All of the above

Answer: A) The karta


karta suffers from the disadvantages of liabilities

12. What is an active partner?

  1. Who contributes its capital
  2. Who participates in the firm
  3. Both A & B
  4. None of the above

Answer: A) Who contributes its capital


active partners contribute their capital.

13. Characteristic of sleeping partner?

  1. Not taking part in day-to-day life
  2. Contribute capital
  3. Share profit and losses
  4. All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above


Characteristics of a sleeping partner are Not taking part in day-to-day life, Contributing capital, and sharing profit and losses.

14. Characteristic of secret partner?

  1. unknown to the general public
  2. contribute to capital
  3. take part in the management
  4. all of the above

Answer: D) all of the above


Secret partners are unknown to the general public, contribute to capital, and also take part in the management

15. Characteristics of a nominal partner?

  1. contribute to the capitol
  2. take part in the firm
  3. Share profit and losses
  4. allows them to use his name

Answer: D) allows them to use his name


A person who allows his name

16. Which things help businesses to save themself from risk?

  1. Changes in need of people
  2. Government plans
  3. Good management
  4. Power failure

Answer: C) Good management


Good management helps businesses to save themself from risk.

17. Which one is the economic activity?

  1. Donation
  2. Nonprofit organization
  3. Option A and B
  4. Employment

Answer: D) Employment


Employment is economic activity.

18. Which one is characteristic of business?

  1. Multiple jobs
  2. Trustees
  3. Option A and B
  4. entrepreneurship

Answer: D) entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship is a characteristic of business

19. What is the main purpose of economic activity?

  1. Donations
  2. To save taxes
  3. To earn profit
  4. To provide services

Answer: C) To earn profit


Earning money or earning profit is the main business reason.

20. What is the name of industries which support services to other industries?

  1. Primary industries
  2. Secondary industries
  3. Tertiary industries
  4. None of the above

Answer: C) Tertiary industries


Tertiary industries give all support services to other industries.

21. Which industry covers sugar mills and oil refineries?

  1. Primarily industries
  2. Secondary industries
  3. Tertiary industries
  4. None of the above

Answer: B) Secondary industries


Secondary industries cover mills and oil refineries.

22. In which profession do people work for others and get their salary in return?

  1. Employment
  2. Business
  3. Profession
  4. All of the above

Answer: A) Employment


Employment is a profession where people work for others and get their salary in return.

23. Characteristics of business activity?

  1. Religious activity
  2. Government activity
  3. Profession
  4. Social activity

Answer: C) Profession


Professional involvement in their own business to make money is called a business activity.

24. Which of the problems can be identified as a business risk?

  1. Competition
  2. Price
  3. Product Value
  4. All of these

Answer: D)All of these


Competition, Price, and Product value are the problems that can be identified as business risks.

25. Which term can be referred to as profit and loss due to unexpected risk?

  1. Family expenses
  2. Taxes
  3. Business risk
  4. All of the above

Answer: C) All of the above


Business risk can be referred to as unexpected risk

26. For which concern marketing word stand for?

  1. For competitor
  2. To save taxes
  3. Position of enterprises
  4. None of these

Answer: C) Position of enterprises


Word marketing stands for the position of enterprises.

27. For which part of the commerce trade is referred?

  1. Transfer of goods
  2. For paperwork
  3. Option A and B
  4. None of the above

Answer: A) Transfer of goods


Trade refers to the transfer of goods.

28. Which thing can protect a business from risk?

  1. Insurance
  2. Banking
  3. Taxes
  4. None of these

Answer: A) Insurance


Insurance can protect any business from risk.

29. Which is the most important way to promote the sale of business products?

  1. Warehousing
  2. Bank balance
  3. Government policy
  4. Advertising & promotions

Answer: D) Advertising & promotions


Advertisements & promotions are the most important way to promote the sale of business products.

30. Between whom commerce provides necessary links?

  1. Producer & Consumer
  2. Wholesaler & retailer
  3. Option A & B
  4. None of these

Answer: A) Producer & Consumer


Between Producer & consumer


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