Java Vector Class Programs

In Java, the Vector class is used to implement a growable array of objects just like an array, its elements can be accessed using an integer index. The size of a Vector can grow or shrink as needed to accommodate adding and removing items after the Vector has been created.

This section contains the solved programs on Java Vector class, practice these programs to learn the concept of Java Vector class and its methods. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java Vector class Programs.

List of Java Vector Class Programs

  1. Java program to create a vector to store integer elements
  2. Java program to create a vector to store objects of a class
  3. Java program to create a vector to store different types of objects
  4. Java program to insert an item into Vector collection at the specified index
  5. Java program to replace an item into Vector collection at the specified index
  6. Java program to remove a specified item from Vector collection
  7. Java program to remove an item from Vector collection at the specified index
  8. Java program to count the items of a Vector collection
  9. Java program to add elements of a Vector to other Vector collection
  10. Java program to add elements of a vector to other vector collection at the specified position
  11. Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection
  12. Java program to create a clone of a Vector collection
  13. Java program to check whether a Vector collection contains a specified item or not
  14. Java program to check whether a Vector collection contains all elements of the specified collection or not
  15. Java program to copy elements of Vector collection into an array
  16. Java program to get element from Vector collection at the specified index
  17. Java program to get the enumeration of the values present in the Vector
  18. Java program to compare two Vector collections
  19. Java program to get elements from Vector collection based on an index
  20. Java program to get the Index of the first occurrence of the specified item in Vector collection
  21. Java program to get the Index of the last occurrence of the specified item in Vector collection
  22. Java program to check whether a Vector collection is empty or not
  23. Java program to get the first element of Vector using the firstElement() method
  24. Java program to get the last element of Vector using the lastElement() method
  25. Java program to iterate Vector collection using the iterator() method
  26. Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection contained in the specified collection
  27. Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection using removeAllElements() method
  28. Java program to remove the first occurrence of the specified element from Vector collection
  29. Java program to remove an element from Vector collection based on the specified index
  30. Java program to remove range on elements from Vector collection based on specified indices
  31. Java program to remove elements from Vector collection based on a specified predicate
  32. Java program to replace a specified element at all places with another element in Vector collection
  33. Java program to remove all elements of Vector collection that do not contain in the specified collection
  34. Java program to set an element at the specified index in Vector collection
  35. Java program to change the size of a Vector collection
  36. Java program to sort the elements of a Vector collection
  37. Java program to traverse the Vector collection using spliterator() method
  38. Java program to get the subList from the Vector collection
  39. Java program to convert a Vector collection into an Object array

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