Java TreeSet Programs

In Java, the TreeSet collection is one of the most important implementations of the SortedSet interface that uses a Tree for storage. The TreeSet inherits AbstractSet class and implements the NavigableSet interface. The TreeSet class's objects are stored in ascending order.

This section contains the solved programs on Java TreeSet collection, practice these programs to learn the concept of Java TreeSet and its methods. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java TreeSet Programs.

List of Java TreeSet Programs

  1. Java program to create a TreeSet collection
  2. Java program to create a TreeSet collection using List collection
  3. Java program to check whether a TreeSet is empty or not
  4. Java program to remove all elements of TreeSet collection
  5. Java program to compare TreeSet collections
  6. Java program to add non-common elements of one TreeSet into another TreeSet collection
  7. Java program to get the ceiling item of specified value from TreeSet collection
  8. Java program to create the clone of the TreeSet collection
  9. Java program to check whether an item exists in a TreeSet collection or not
  10. Java program to iterate TreeSet collection in ascending order
  11. Java program to iterate TreeSet collection in descending order
  12. Java program to get the flooring item of specified value from TreeSet collection
  13. Java program to get the smallest item from the TreeSet collection
  14. Java program to get the largest item from the TreeSet collection
  15. Java program to get the elements from the TreeSet collection that are less than the specified item
  16. Java program to get the strictly greater element from TreeSet collection based on a given item
  17. Java program to get the strictly lower element from TreeSet collection
  18. Java program to get and remove the lowest element from the TreeSet collection
  19. Java program to get and remove the largest element from the TreeSet collection
  20. Java program to remove a specified item from the TreeSet collection
  21. Java program to get the size of a TreeSet collection
  22. Java program to get the subset of a TreeSet collection based on a specified range
  23. Java program to get the elements greater than and equal to the specified item from TreeSet Collection
  24. Java program to access elements from TreeSet Collection using spliterator() method

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