Java Most Popular & Searched Programs

This section contains most popular and searches java programs based of various categories with source code, explanation and output.

List of Java Most Popular & Searched Programs

Threads Programs

  1. Java code to run multiple threads in a program.
    Java thread example: Here, we are going to learn how to run multiple threads in a program in java programming language?
  2. Java code for pause the execution.
    Pausing thread execution in Java: Here, we are going to learn how to pause the execution of a thread?

System-related Programs

  1. Java Program for Getting System UUID for Linux Machine.
    This java program will get and print the system UUID for Linux Machine.
  2. Java program to print Screen Resolution.
    Print Screen Resolution: This java program will print the screen resolution.
  3. Java program to get system IP Address in Windows or Linux Machine.
    Get IP Address of Linux/Windows based Machine using Java program: This program will get and print the IP Address of Linux or Windows operating system based machines.
  4. Java program to get System MAC Address of Windows or Linux Machine.
    Get System MAC Address of Linux or Windows based Machine: This program will read (get) and print the MAC Address (Physical Address) of Linux or Windows operating system based machines.
  5. Java program to get System Motherboard Serial Number for Windows or Linux Machine.
    Get System Motherboard Serial Number of Linux or Windows based Machine: This java program will get and print the Motherboard Serial Number of Linux or Windows Operating System based Machines.
  6. Java program to get System Name for Windows or Linux Machine.
    Get System Name of Linux or Windows based Machine: This java program will get and print the system name of Linux or Windows Operating System based Machine.
  7. Java program to get CPU Serial Number for Windows Machine.
    Get CPU Serial Number in Java: This java program will get and print the CPU Serial number for windows machine.
  8. Java program to open input URL in System Default Browser in Windows (input URL from command prompt).
    Open URL in Default Browser in Java: This java program will read a URL through command line and open it into default system browser.


  1. Java method to generate OTP (One Time Password) string.
    This program will generate OTP (One Time Password) different at every run in Java.
  2. Java program to print all Java properties.
    This Java program will print all java properties like Java version, VM version, Java VM vendor, VM name, Java VM Specifications etc.
  3. Java program to find out prime factors of given number.
    This java program will read an integer numbers and find its prime factors, for example there is a number 60, its primer factors will be 2, 3 and 5 (that are not divisible by any other number).
  4. Java program to check whether given number is Armstrong or not.
    This Java program will read an integer number and check whether it is Armstrong or not.
  5. Java program to convert Binary Number into Decimal Number.
    This java program will read Binary value and convert into its equivalent Decimal value.
  6. Java program to convert Decimal Number into Binary Number.
    This java program will read Decimal Number and converts into its equivalent Binary value.
  7. Java program to convert distance from miles to kilometre and kilometre to miles.
    This Java program can be used as distances converter, this program will convert distance from miles to kilometres and kilometres to miles.
  8. Java program to find out largest integer number among three using conditional operator.
    This java program will read three integer numbers and find largest number among them using conditional/ternary operator.
  9. Java program to print multiplication table of given number.
    This Java program will read an integer number and print its multiplication table.
  10. Java program for bank management system.
    Here, we are implementing a java program that will perform almost all operations on banking management system. This is small project of bank management in java.

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