Java Regular Expressions Programs

In Java, Regex or Regular Expression is an API which is used to define sequence of characters that forms a search pattern. Java doesn’t have any built-in class for it, we can use java.util.regex package to work with regular expressions.

This section contains the solved programs on Java Regular Expressions, practice these programs to learn the concept of Regular Expressions (Regex) in Java. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java Regular Expressions Programs.

List of Java Regular Expressions Programs

  1. Java program to search a pattern into the string using regular expression
  2. Java program to search a pattern with case insensitive flag into the string using regular expression
  3. Java program to demonstrate the split() method of Pattern class
  4. Java program to count the occurrence of pattern matching in the string using regular expression
  5. Java program to find the start and end indices for all occurrences of pattern in the string using regular expression
  6. Java program to search a pattern into the string using the lookingAt() method
  7. Java program to replace a substring with another substring into the string at all places using regular expression

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