Java HashSet Programs

In Java, the HashSet class is used to create a collection that uses a hash table for storage. It inherits the AbstractSet class and implements Set interface.

This section contains the solved programs on Java HashSet, practice these programs to learn the concept of Java HashSet class. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java HashSet programs.

List of Java HashSet Programs

  1. Java program to create a HashSet with string items
  2. Java program to create a HashSet with different types of items
  3. Java program to print a HashSet collection using the foreach loop
  4. Java program to iterate a HashSet collection using the iterator() method
  5. Java program to remove all elements of HashSet collection
  6. Java program to create the clone of a HashSet collection
  7. Java program to check whether a HashSet contains a specified item or not
  8. Java program to check whether a HashSet is empty or not
  9. Java program to add a HashSet to another HashSet collection
  10. Java program to check a HashSet contains all elements of another HashSet
  11. Java program to remove an item from HashSet collection
  12. Java program to remove HashSet elements contained in other HashSet
  13. Java program to remove elements from a HashSet that are not contained in a specified HashSet
  14. Java program to get the size of a HashSet Collection
  15. Java program to convert a HashSet into an array
  16. Java program to remove elements from HashSet collection based on a specified predicate
  17. Java program to check the HashSet collections have similar elements
  18. Java program to print HashSet elements using parallelStream() method
  19. Java program to print HashSet elements using spliterator() method
  20. Java program to find the intersection of HashSet collections
  21. Java program to find the union of HashSet collections
  22. Java program to find the difference between HashSet collections
  23. Java program to create a set of Complex numbers using HashSet collections

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