Java HashMap Programs

In Java, the HashMap class implements the Map interface which allows us to store key and value pair, where keys should be unique.

This section contains the solved programs on Java HashMap collection, practice these programs to learn the concept of Java HashMap collection and example of its methods. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java HashMap Programs.

List of Java HashMap Programs

  1. Java program to create a HashMap to store Key/Value pair
  2. Java program to check whether a HashMap contains a specified Key or not
  3. Java program to check whether a HashMap contains a specified value or not
  4. Java program to get keys from a HashMap collection
  5. Java program to get the value based on the key from a HashMap collection
  6. Java program to get all the values from a HashMap collection
  7. Java program to get the size of the HashMap collection
  8. Java program to remove all elements from HashMap collection

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