Java Math Class Programs

In Java programming language, the Math class provides several methods to perform mathematical operations like min(), max(), avg(), sin(), cos(), tan(), round(), ceil(), floor(), abs() etc.

This section contains the solved programs on Java Math class, practice these programs to learn the concept of Java Math class and its methods. These programs contain the solved code, explanation, and output used in the Java Math class Programs.

List of Java Math Class Programs

  1. Java program to find the logarithmic value of a number
  2. Java program to find the logarithmic value of a number for base 10
  3. Java program to convert degree to radian using library method
  4. Java program to find the trigonometric sine of an angle
  5. Java program to find the trigonometric cosine of an angle
  6. Java program to find the trigonometric tangent of an angle
  7. Java program to find the trigonometric arc sine of an angle
  8. Java program to find the trigonometric arc cosine of an angle
  9. Java program to find the trigonometric arc tangent of an angle
  10. Java program to find the hyperbolic sine of an angle
  11. Java program to find the hyperbolic cosine of an angle
  12. Java program to find the hyperbolic tangent of an angle
  13. Java program to find the cube root of a number using library method
  14. Java program to find the absolute value of a number using library method
  15. Java program to find the smallest number between two numbers using the library method
  16. Java program to find the largest number between two numbers using the library method
  17. Java program to find the sign of given number using library method
  18. Java program to round off the decimal number using the library method
  19. Java program to perform the ceiling operation on the decimal number using the library method
  20. Java program to demonstrate the Math.copySign() method
  21. Java program to demonstrate the Math.floorDiv() method
  22. Java program to demonstrate the Math.addExact() method
  23. Java program to demonstrate the Math.subtractExact() method
  24. Java program to demonstrate the Math.multiplyExact() method
  25. Java program to convert radian to a degree using library method

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