Java File Handling Programs

This section contains solved programs with output and explanation of file handling in Java like creating file, writing data in file, reading data from file, copying file, removing file, etc.

List of Java File Handling Programs

  1. Java program to create a new file
  2. Java program to write content into file using FileOutputStream
  3. Java program to read content from file using FileInputStream
  4. Java program to write content into file using BufferedWriter
  5. Java program to read content from file using BufferedReader
  6. Java program to get file size and file path
  7. Java program to delete a file
  8. Java program to copy files
  9. Java program to get the last modification date and time of a file
  10. Java program to append text/string in a file
  11. Java program to determine number of bytes written to file using DataOutputStream
  12. Java program to read text from file from a specified index or skipping byte using FileInputStream
  13. Java program to check whether a file is hidden or not
  14. Java program to get the size of given file in bytes, kilobytes and megabytes
  15. Java program to create directory/folder in particular drive
  16. Java program to check whether a file can be read or not
  17. Java program to read and print all files from a zip file
  18. Java program to get the attributes of a file
  19. Java program to get the basic file attributes (specific to DOS)
  20. Java program to get the file's owner name
  21. Java program to get file creation, last access and last modification time
  22. Java program to read content from one file and write it into another file
  23. Java program to read a file line by line
  24. Java program to traverse all files of a directory/folder
  25. Java - Print File Content, Display File using Java Program
  26. Java - Copy Content of One File to Another File using Java Program
  27. Java program to rename an existing file

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