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C program to print square and cube of all numbers from 1 to N using goto statement
In this C program, we are going to learn how to find and print the square, cube of all numbers from 1 to N using goto statement in C language?
Submitted by Manju Tomar, on November 09, 2017
Given the value of N and we have to print square and cube of all numbers between 1 to N using C language goto statement.
goto is a jumping statement, which transfers the program’s control to specified label, in this program, we are going to read the value of N and printing the square, cube of all numbers between 1 to N.
Program to print Square and Cube of all numbers from 1 to N using goto in C
int main()
int count,n;
printf("Enter the value of N: ");
printf("num: %4d, Square: %4d, Cube: %4d\n",count,(count*count),(count*count*count));
goto start;
return 0;
Enter the value of N: 10
num: 1, Square: 1, Cube: 1
num: 2, Square: 4, Cube: 8
num: 3, Square: 9, Cube: 27
num: 4, Square: 16, Cube: 64
num: 5, Square: 25, Cube: 125
num: 6, Square: 36, Cube: 216
num: 7, Square: 49, Cube: 343
num: 8, Square: 64, Cube: 512
num: 9, Square: 81, Cube: 729
num: 10, Square: 100, Cube: 1000
This is how we can find the square and sum from 1 to N, using goto statement? If you liked or have any issue with the program, please share your comment.
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