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C structure & union programs
C program for passing structures as function arguments and returning a structure from a function
This program will demonstrate example for passing Structures as function arguments and returning a structure from a function in C language.
Passing and returning structures to/from function
Structures can be passed as function arguments.
We can have a function of type returning a structure or a pointer to it, below code shows how to operate when we have a function taking structure as an argument:
Passing structure in function and returning structure from function program in C
#include <stdio.h>
// Lets create a structure first
struct FirstStruct {
int Num1;
int Num2;
} FirstStruct_IP;
// function declarations
struct FirstStruct TakeUserInput(void);
void DisplayOutput(struct FirstStruct Input);
// structure object declaration
struct FirstStruct inputStruct;
int main()
// create a structure to get a return from TakeUserInput function
// Now use the DisplayOutput to print the input
return 0;
// This function returns a structure after storing
// the user input into it
struct FirstStruct TakeUserInput(void)
printf("Enter a number: ");
scanf("%d", &inputStruct.Num1);
printf("Enter a number again: ");
scanf("%d", &inputStruct.Num2);
return inputStruct;
// Function taking Structure as argument
void DisplayOutput(struct FirstStruct Input)
printf("%d\n", ((Input.Num1) + (Input.Num2)));
Enter a number: 10
Enter a number again: 20
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