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C program to Check if nth Bit in a 32-bit Integer is set or not
In this article, we are going to see how to find nth bit of a 32-bit integer is set or not using bitwise operator?
Submitted by Radib Kar, on January 06, 2019
Problem statement
Write a C program to check if nth bit is set or not in a 32 bit integer.
Pre-requisite: input no(32 bit longer), nth bit
- Right shift by n times to get the nth bit at LSB
- Do a bitwise and with 1(only LSB is set of 1, other bits 0).
- IF result is 1, then nth bit is set
Bit not set
Example with explanation
Let input no be 67600 and n is 11
This is the binary representation of 67600
After right shifting 11 times,
So bitwise ANDing this shifted no with 1
Results in 00000...0001(31 0's & one 1) which is 1... Thus n th bit is set...
C implementation to Check if nth Bit in a 32-bit Integer is set or not
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n, k;
printf("enter a 32 bit number\n");
scanf("%d", & k);
printf("enter the bit no to check...\n");
printf("bit-no 0-indexed & 0 starts from LSB...\n");
scanf("%d", & n);
if (n > 32) {
printf("enter between 0-31\n");
return -1;
k = k >> n; //right shift the no to get nth bit at LSB
if (k & 1 == 1) //check whether nth bit set or not
printf("%d th bit is set\n", n);
printf("%d th bit not set\n", n);
return 0;
First run:
enter a 32 bit number
enter the bit no to check...
bitno 0-indexed & 0 starts from LSB...
11 th bit is set
Second run:
enter a 32 bit number
enter the bit no to check...
bit-no 0-indexed & 0 starts from LSB...
10 th bit not set
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