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C structure & union programs
C program to declare, initialize an union, example of union
In this program, we will learn to declare, initialize a union in C programming languages, how to assign the values to union elements and how to access assigned values through union object?
Example of creating, initializing a union in C
/*C program to declare, initialize a UNION,
example of UNION*/
#include <stdio.h>
// union declaration
union pack {
char a;
int b;
double c;
int main()
pack p; //union object/variable declaration
printf("\nOccupied size by union pack: %d", sizeof(pack));
// assign value to each member one by one other it will replace last value
p.a = 'A';
printf("\nValue of a:%c", p.a);
p.b = 10;
printf("\nValue of b:%d", p.b);
p.c = 12345.6790;
printf("\nValue of c:%f", p.c);
// see, what will happen? if u will assign values together
p.a = 'A';
p.b = 10;
p.c = 12345.6790;
// here the last value of p.c will be accessed by all members
printf("\nValue of a:%c, b:%d, c:%f", p.a, p.b, p.c);
return 0;
Occupied size by union pack: 8
Value of a:A
Value of b:10
Value of c:12345.679000
Value of a:�, b:-377957122, c:12345.679000
C Structure & Union Programs »