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C structure & union programs
C program to create, declare and initialize structure
In this program, we will learn how to declare a structure with different types of variables, declare and initialization of structure variable? Here we are not reading values from keyboard; we are assigning the values to the structure members at the time of structure variable declaration.
C program to create, declare and initialize structure
#include <stdio.h>
/*structure declaration*/
struct employee {
char name[30];
int empId;
float salary;
int main()
/*declare and initialization of
structure variable*/
struct employee emp = { "Mike", 1120, 76909.00f };
printf("\n Name: %s", emp.name);
printf("\n Id: %d", emp.empId);
printf("\n Salary: %f\n", emp.salary);
return 0;
Name: Mike
Id: 1120
Salary: 76909.000000
C Structure & Union Programs »