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C Strings User-defined Functions Programs
C program to toggle each character in a string
Problem statement
Here, we are implementing a C program that will read a string and toggle each character in it, if any character is in uppercase it will be in lowercase and if any character is in lowercase, it will be converted in uppercase.
Input string: "Hello"
Output: "hELLO"
C program to toggle each character in a string
/*C program to toggle each character in a string.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char str[100];
int counter;
printf("Enter a string: ");
// toggle each string characters
for (counter = 0; str[counter] != NULL; counter++) {
if (str[counter] >= 'A' && str[counter] <= 'Z')
str[counter] = str[counter] + 32; //convert into lower case
else if (str[counter] >= 'a' && str[counter] <= 'z')
str[counter] = str[counter] - 32; //convert into upper case
printf("String after toggle each characters: %s", str);
return 0;
Enter a string: This is a Test String.
String after toggle each characters: tHIS IS A tEST sTRING.
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