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C program to change the value of constant integer using pointers
Since, we cannot change the value of a constant but using pointer we can change it, in this program we are doing the same. Here, we have an integer constant and changing its value using pointer.
/*C program to change the value of constant integer using pointers.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
const int a=10; //declare and assign constant integer
int *p; //declare integer pointer
p=&a; //assign address into pointer p
printf("Before changing - value of a: %d",a);
//assign value using pointer
printf("\nAfter changing - value of a: %d",a);
printf("\nWauuuu... value has changed.");
return 0;
Before changing - value of a: 10
After changing - value of a: 20
Wauuuu... value has changed.
C Pointer Programs »