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conio.h header file functions with examples in C language
This section contains library functions of conio.h header file with example programs and output. Each function is described with its definition, syntax and description of the program.
List of solved programs of 'conio.h' header file
- clrscr() and delline() functions of conio.h in C.
In this article, we are going to learn about the two very useful functions clrscr() and delline() of conio.h header file in C programming language.
- getch() and getche() functions of conio.h in C.
In this article, we are going to learn about the pre-defined functions getch() and getche() of conio.h header file and use them with the help of their examples.
- gotoxy() and kbhit() functions of conio.h in C.
In this article, we are going to learn about the two rare pre-defined functions (gotoxy() and kbhit()) of conio.h header file.
- textcolor() and textbackground() functions of conio.h in C.
In this article, we are going to learn about the textbackground() and textcolor() functions of conio.h header file and use them to change colors.
- wherex() and wherey() functions of conio.h in C.
In this article, we are going to learn about the use of wherex() and wherey() functions of conio.h header file for getting the position of cursor.