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Print alternate nodes of a linked list without using recursion in C
In this tutorial, we will learn how to print alternate nodes of a linked list without using recursion with the help of the C program?
By Piyas Mukherjee Last updated : August 02, 2023
A singly linked list whose address of the first node is stored in a pointer, say head
The alternative nodes in the list
Data Structure Used
Singly linked list where each node contains a data element say data, and the address of the immediate next node say next, with Head holding the address of the first node.
Pseudo Code
Function alternatedisplay()
print "Displaying the alternative items of
the list starting from the beginning"
temp=head //initialize
print "temp->data"
temp=temp->next->next; //jump to second next one
End If
End While
End Function
C program to print alternate nodes of a linked list without using recursion
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//node structure
typedef struct list {
int data;
struct list* next;
} node;
void alternatedisp(node* temp);
int main()
node *head = NULL, *temp, *temp1;
int choice, count = 0, key;
//Taking the linked list as input
do {
temp = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
if (temp != NULL) {
printf("\nEnter the element in the list : ");
scanf("%d", &temp->data);
temp->next = NULL;
if (head == NULL) {
head = temp;
else {
temp1 = head;
while (temp1->next != NULL) {
temp1 = temp1->next;
temp1->next = temp;
else {
printf("\nMemory not avilable...node allocation is not possible");
printf("\nIf you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
} while (choice == 1);
//Now displaying the alternative nodes starting from the begining
return 0;
void alternatedisp(node* temp)
printf("\nDisplaying the alternative items of the list starting from the begining : \n");
while (temp != NULL) {
printf("%d ", temp->data);
//check for end of list
if (temp->next == NULL)
temp = NULL;
//jump to second next skipping immediate one
temp = temp->next->next;
Enter the element in the list : 1
If you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : 1
Enter the element in the list : 2
If you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : 1
Enter the element in the list : 3
If you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : 1
Enter the element in the list : 4
If you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : 1
Enter the element in the list : 5
If you wish to add m ore data on the list enter 1 : 0
Displaying the alternative items of the list starting from the begining :
1 3 5