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C++ program to convert a Binary Tree into a Singly Linked List by Traversing Level by Level
In this tutorial, we will learn how to convert a binary tree into a single link list by traversing level-wise using the C++ program?
By Radib Kar Last updated : August 01, 2023
Problem statement
Write a C++ program to convert a binary tree into a single linked list by traversing level-wise.
The above binary tree is converted to 2 → 7 → 5 → 2 → 6 → 9 → 5 → 11 → 4 → NULL
- Building a linked list - Setting the first node as Head and then appending other nodes.
- Traversing & displaying a single link list.
- Building a tree & level order traversal of a tree.
- Assign the root value as head node value in linked list.
- Do level-order traversal
For each tree node create a single linked list node and append it to the linked list.
- Display the single linked list.
How the tree is converted to the single list...
Example with explanation
Let's do solve the above example.
Queue status: 2
1st iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 2
Head is null, thus head is 2
Linked list up to now:2->NULL
Pop 2
Push: 2->left(7) & 2->right(5)
Queue status: 7, 5
2nd iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 7
Head is not null, thus append 7
Linked list up to now:2->7->NULL
Pop 7
Push: 7->left(2)& 7->right(6)
Queue status: 5, 2, 6
3rd iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 5
Head is not null, thus append 5
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->NULL
Pop 5
Push: 5->right (9) only (5->left is NULL)
Queue status: 2, 6, 9
4th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 2
Head is not null, thus append 2
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->2->NULL
Pop 2
Push: Nothing ( both child are NULL)
Queue status: 6, 9
5th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 6
Head is not null, thus append 6
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->2->6->NULL
Pop 6
Push: 6->left(5) and 6->right(11)
Queue status: 9, 5, 11
6th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 9
Head is not null, thus append 9
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->2->6->9->NULL
Pop 9
Push: 9->left(4) only (right child NULL)
Queue status: 5, 11, 4
7th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 5
Head is not null, thus append 5
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->2->6->9->5->NULL
Pop 5
Push: Nothing (both child NULL)
Queue status: 11, 4
8th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 11
Head is not null, thus append 11
Linked list up to now:2->7->5->2->6->9->5->11->NULL
Pop 11
Push: Nothing (both child NULL)
Queue status: 4
8th iteration
Queue not empty
Queue front is 4
Head is not null, thus append 4
Linked list up to now: 2->7->5->2->6->9->5->11->4->NULL
Pop 4
Push: Nothing (both child NULL)
Queue status: empty queue
Iteration stops
So final link list is: 2->7->5->2->6->9->5->11->4->NULL
C++ Program to Convert a Binary Tree into a Singly Linked List by Traversing Level by Level
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// tree node is defined
class tree {
int data;
tree* left;
tree* right;
class sll {
int data;
sll* next;
sll* creatnode(int d)
{ //create node for single linked list
sll* temp = (sll*)malloc(sizeof(sll));
temp->data = d;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
void display(sll* head)
sll* current = head; // current node set to head
printf("displayig the converted list...\n");
while (current != NULL) { //traverse until current node isn't NULL
if (current->next)
printf("%d->", current->data);
printf("%d->NULL\n", current->data);
current = current->next; // go to next node
sll* flatten(tree* root)
//Declare queue using STL
sll *head = NULL, *tempL;
queue<tree*> q;
//enqueue the root
vector<int> store;
tree* temp;
//do the level order traversal & build single linked list
while (!q.empty()) {
temp = q.front();
if (head == NULL) { //for inserting first node
head = creatnode(temp->data);
tempL = head;
else { //for inserting rest of the nodes
tempL->next = creatnode(temp->data);
tempL = tempL->next;
// do level order traversing
if (temp->left) //for left child
if (temp->right) //for right child
return head;
tree* newnode(int data) // creating new node for tree
tree* node = (tree*)malloc(sizeof(tree));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;
return (node);
int main()
//**same tree is builted as shown in example**
cout << "same tree is built as shown in example\n";
tree* root = newnode(2);
root->left = newnode(7);
root->right = newnode(5);
root->right->right = newnode(9);
root->right->right->left = newnode(4);
root->left->left = newnode(2);
root->left->right = newnode(6);
root->left->right->left = newnode(5);
root->left->right->right = newnode(11);
cout << "converting the tree into a single link list...\n";
cout << "by traversing the tree level-wise\n";
sll* head = flatten(root);
//displaying the list built from the tree
return 0;
same tree is built as shown in example
converting the tree into a single link list...
by traversing the tree level-wise
displayig the converted list...